Step into the Raffles Boston residences to experience art in every corner. First, the beautiful lobby draws you in with two stunning pieces that balance storytelling with tranquility.

First is “Garden Story” by Sofie Coryndon. These side-by-side pieces are gilded yellow and white holdwork on smoked gesso baking. Taking inspiration from whimsical storybooks, the artwork represents a book of local flowers.

Down the hallway you’ll find Lisa Kokin’s “Book Branch,” which carefully shapes pages from the beloved Boston children’s book “Make Way For Ducklings” into a stunning sculptural piece. Inspired by the local setting of the book, which tells the heartwarming tale of two mallards nurturing their ducklings in the Boston Public garden lagoon, Kokin’s art beautifully honors the city’s literary heritage.

If you’re lucky enough to live in Raffles Boston, you’ll even be stunned by the art in the mailroom. John Jonson’s “Blossom” turns a mundane moment into an instance of reflection and beauty. We worked with him to ideate the concept of this piece, which is an ode to the Boston Common and Public Garden: home to Kwanzan and Yoshino cherry blossom trees. Using aluminum and acrylic, he created abstract cherry blossoms against a beautiful blue background.

And finally, take a peek at Ink and Indigo’s “Petal Drop.” This gorgeous piece is displayed in the Great Room at Raffles Boston Residential. This serene mixed media artwork, combining Japanese paper clay and paint on wood, reflects Boston’s winter and pays tribute to the state flower, the trillium.