painting of a house in the desert with only a few walls by johnny alexander
Artist Bio

Jonny Alexander

Jonny Alexander comes to us with an introspective look at our natural planet. Growing up in California and spending his time exploring the state’s deserts, mountains and coastlines his art sheds light on the intricate patterns of the natural environment and the varying forms it takes. Drawing connections between patterns in nature and patterns in us, his work walks a thin line between existentialism and surrealism. Work that takes into account the duality of our lives in society and our lives in a greater world. He has painted murals in Detroit, San Diego, San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Mexico, and New Zealand.


Alexander has shown works in galleries from Cass Contemporary in Tampa to Inner State Gallery in Detroit, to 111 Minna in San Francisco and more. Not only does his practice include studio and public art but he also holds a BFA in Traditional Printmaking. He spent the Summer 2015 – Summer 2017 as the Master Printer and Co-Director of the Artists in Residence Program for the publishing company 1XRUN in Detroit, MI. Working with artists from varying countries and disciplines to create unique hand pulled screen print editions. His personal work has always shined in addition to helping others create their unique vision through print.


You can find Jonny Alexander in his studio painting small details, out working on a mural, in the printmaking studio or possibly outside somewhere crouched down looking very closely at a stick or some rocks.

painting of a green pant leg with a formal shoe stepping on a wood floor with a yellow wallpaper background

"My style or technique is a bit haphazard and obsessive. Working in nice blends of colors that I see from nature then getting into it with patterns."

- Jonny Alexander

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Los Angeles Showroom
2525 Michigan Ave., Suite A8
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 264-7777
Las Vegas Showroom
5905 S. Decatur Blvd. Suite 10
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 948-1929