Scott Hile
Artist Bio

Scott Hile

Arizona-based artist Scott Hile has produced original art for hundreds of clients and collectors over his 30+ years working in the fine art field. Known for his high-quality giclees and mixed media artwork, Scott Hile’s art is influenced by artists such as Rauschenberg, Kline and Monet.


Over the years, Hile has developed his talent to work across a variety of mediums, including acrylic, water-based mediums, oils, metal wood and glass. His style, which is mostly abstract or semi-representational, often takes inspiration from his backpacking trips throughout remote areas of the Southwest United States.

Scott Hile

We're fortunate to have worked with Scott Hile across many different projects over the years. He is an incredibly versatile artist who can create artwork to match a wide variety of aesthetics.

— John Barry, Principal, Kevin Barry Art Advisory

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2525 Michigan Ave., Suite A8
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 264-7777
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5905 S. Decatur Blvd. Suite 10
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 948-1929